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"With Five Interview" Meet Seraphim Aun Weor, Musician & Film Director

Meet Seraphim Aun Weor, Musician and Film Director

Seraphim Aun Weor (Seraphim of Nazareth) grew up in Indiana with family from Tupelo, Mississippi. Her debut single "You Never Loved Me" delivers a first-hand view of the raw emotional conflict of self-affliction; it's the first of many singles to be released from her studio album, Chaos and Innocence. Other announced single releases are "You're My Biggest Mistake" and an intriguing alternative industrial mix entitled "Make-Up".

With Five Questions Magazine Full Interview

Seraphim is also an independent film director, and her latest film, Ünholywood, guides viewers into the mysteries of the forbidden unknown while taking them on the emotional roller coaster of a downward spiral in a town that lost its wings when bloodshed became a virtue.

Learn more about Seraphim by visiting

1. How would you describe your music to listeners who haven't heard it before?

Seraphim: I have a lot of amazing influences; however I am a bit different in my creations and writings. It takes you back to Alanis Morissette's "You Oughta Know" with a twist of Nine Inch Nails. I am a broken Valentine, so my lyrics are colored as such; it could be considered Vamp.

2. What inspired you to form your new band, Deliver Me Up?

Seraphim: I am a rocker chick at heart, and in the past I was a solo artist; during this time, I found it a bit awkward to rock out without a live band backing me up. My shows are dramatically set--think of a dark Katy Perry show as in Creole Voodoo extravagant--but I had no guitar to smash and that bothered me. Hence back to the future I formed Deliver Me Up, and am looking forward to my future world wide tour, "Soul In Tacked".

3. What was the process like for creating your debut album, Chaos and Innocence?

Seraphim: It was a very emotional process as the lyrics mean a lot to me and they shade my past, my present, and my future. Although I am a broken Valentine, I still have joy some how that allows me to create honestly, bringing the listener into my world just for a moment in time. My producer is Jason Charles Miller (Godhead) who is an amazing producer I may add, as I do over write my songs and every studio session turns into a writing session, so you get the short end version of my album Chaos and Innocence.

4. How do you balance your time between music and your film making projects?

Seraphim: Usually I am in the studio twice a week recording or rehearsing which allows me to have a lot of extra time to do my films... I am currently in casting for my new film "Unholywood" which is an incredible process watching my characters come alive in the auditions. I have cast most of the lead roles already, but am not yet finished with the bit roles; you can follow my films and filming process under Sin Icon Motion Pictures.

5. As someone who has been a solo artist, how has your work evolved through opportunities to collaborate with others, such as your new band?

Deliver Me Up "You Never Loved Me,"Collaborating with others such as music artists, this is very much in my near future and I am extremely excited about that for in which we are certain it will open up a lot of doors and new opportunities in music.

For all inquiries for me to collaborate with another artist or be featured on another artist track, please contact my publicist Domenick Nati.. I am in the treatment creating process for my new music video,

Thanks, Seraphim!

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